Does the scanner have signal? Are all QR-Codes synchronized?
Has the Scanner accidentally fallen down and has a seeable mark that the using of the phone isn’t possible anymore? Please contact us immediately.
Have you updated your App? The Scanner App will inform you if there’s an update.
Are you using our App from the Google Play Store on your own device? The app will inform you about a not working internet connection. Please make sure, that your device is on Wi-Fi or you have a good working signal.
Does the scanner have no signal? Are all QR-Codes synchronized?
Please find a spot where your scanner has signal.
The scanner doesn’t need to have signal all day. When it comes to a signal disconnection the QR Codes are synchronized after the device has signal again. Also this means, that customers which bought their codes shortly, the codes aren’t synced to the scanner at the same day.
If the customer has recently bought a ticket that does not work, please try to validate the ticket manually via the app or on our website (
There are difference between Turbopass-Ticket and Turbopass-Code!
You’ll recognize that on the orange symbol “T” on the ticket or on the print “X City-Pass”. Turbopass codes are only letters. Codes from other tickets can’t be scanned or validated.
Does the scanner have signal? Are all codes synched? Codes can only be validating when the scanner has network signal.
How to: codes from customers, who bought their ticket recently aren’t synched with the phone while having problems finding network signal. If your device has no signal and codes can’t be synched. Did the customer bought their ticket recently?
If the customer has recently bought a ticket that does not work, please try to validate the ticket manually via the app or on our website (
The QR codes are already validated or the visitor/customer already has visited the building/ sightseeing? Tickets are only valid for one use. Another scan of the QR codes isn’t possible.
Your device has signal and the customer hasn’t been at you attraction or the QR code/pass hasn’t been used? Please write down the Ticketcode and let the customer pass. Please enter the code manual over the app later.
Even with manual entering the code into the app shows “invalid”. Please contact our partner support and let them know the QR code.
If you don’t want to work with the Turbopass Scanner or the App on your private device, find the manual for validating the QR code over our website.
How to enter the codes over our website: (please enter your ID first. If you don’t know your ID, please contact our support). Go to our website ( and entering your ID and the customers QR Code, select the date when the customer was at your attraction and click the validate button.
You can prove codes if they already have been used. Please got to our partner ID web login and follow the instructions. You don’t find your login information? Please contact our partner support via e-mail. (
Please enter the code manually in the app or over the web browser
You can prove codes if they already have been used. Please got to our partner ID web login and follow the instructions. You don’t find your login information? Please contact our partner support via e-mail. (
Maybe children or teenager have free entrance? Those aren’t showing up in you billing. But children and teenager have also a pass/QR code, because it’s relevant for other Partners. If the customers show their pass, please do not record the codes for you own business.
Bills can only be created by codes. Please make sure, that all codes are scanned and transmitted with a checkmark in the App or on our Website.
If you copy or write down our codes for yourself (e.g. handwritten) please note that this is a big source of error. Those codes mostly got written down wrong or miss lettering. Sometimes those aren’t Turbopass codes, or important details like Adult or Child are mixed up. Please note there’s no validity check possible. Verification, of your differences with codes which are recorded in this way, isn’t possible and will not be accepted by us.